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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 109254614

Words: continent

Gloss: one of the large landmasses of the earth; "there are seven continents"; "pioneers had to cross the continent on foot"

hypernym 109335916 - land_mass, landmass
derivationally related 302886090 - continental
derivationally related 301566916 - continental
instance hyponym 109189411 - Africa
instance hyponym 109198106 - Antarctic_continent, Antarctica
instance hyponym 109207288 - Asia
instance hyponym 109211266 - Australia
part meronym 109259500 - craton
instance hyponym 109275016 - Eurasia
instance hyponym 109275473 - Europe
instance hyponym 109290121 - Gondwanaland
instance hyponym 109336853 - Laurasia
instance hyponym 109372504 - North_America
instance hyponym 109384532 - Pangaea, Pangea
instance hyponym 109440400 - South_America
part meronym 109449949 - subcontinent

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