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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 109247410

Words: cloud

Gloss: a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude

hypernym 111425580 - atmospheric_phenomenon
part holonym 109436708 - sky
derivationally related 300461311 - cloudy
derivationally related 202770717 - cloud, overcast
derivationally related 202041577 - cloud
hyponym 109245650 - cirrocumulus, cirrocumulus_cloud
hyponym 109245833 - cirrostratus, cirrostratus_cloud
hyponym 109245964 - cirrus, cirrus_cloud
hyponym 109247847 - cloud_bank
hyponym 109255519 - condensation_trail, contrail
hyponym 109261772 - cumulonimbus, cumulonimbus_cloud, thundercloud
hyponym 109261960 - cumulus, cumulus_cloud
hyponym 109364582 - mother-of-pearl_cloud, nacreous_cloud
hyponym 109367137 - nebule
hyponym 109371686 - nimbus, nimbus_cloud, rain_cloud
hyponym 109445910 - storm_cloud
hyponym 109448251 - stratus, stratus_cloud
substance meronym 115055442 - water_vapor, water_vapour

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