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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 108675145

Words: tropic

Gloss: either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone or tropics

hypernym 108595720 - latitude, line_of_latitude, parallel, parallel_of_latitude
derivationally related 301250835 - tropic, tropical
derivationally related 302443907 - tropic, tropical
derivationally related 302929500 - tropical
instance hyponym 108675538 - Tropic_of_Cancer
instance hyponym 108675665 - Tropic_of_Capricorn

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