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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108652970

Words: space

Gloss: an area reserved for some particular purpose; "the laboratory's floor space"

hypernym 108497294 - area, country
derivationally related 300476249 - roomy, spacious
hyponym 108555569 - air_space, airspace
hyponym 108555710 - crawl_space, crawlspace
hyponym 108555883 - disc_space, disk_space
hyponym 108572162 - flies
hyponym 108590909 - key, paint
hyponym 108611421 - no-parking_zone
hyponym 108615810 - parking_space, parking_zone
hyponym 108647121 - separation
hyponym 108647616 - place, seat
hyponym 108662427 - terreplein
hyponym 108684191 - workspace

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