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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108223802

Words: community

Gloss: a group of people living in a particular local area; "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"

hypernym 107975026 - assemblage, gathering
hyponym 108223688 - parish
hyponym 108224413 - convent
hyponym 108224580 - house
hyponym 108224684 - Islam_Nation, Islamic_Ummah, Muslim_Ummah, Umma, Ummah
hyponym 108224985 - speech_community
hyponym 108225090 - neighborhood, neighbourhood
hyponym 108226699 - settlement, small_town, village
hyponym 108226978 - crossroads, hamlet
hyponym 108250889 - horde
instance hyponym 108488081 - Achomawi
instance hyponym 108488250 - Akwa'ala
hyponym 108488411 - Aleut
hyponym 108488675 - Circassian
instance hyponym 108488833 - Inca, Inka
instance hyponym 108489121 - Kechua, Quechua
instance hyponym 108489285 - Xhosa
instance hyponym 108489392 - Zulu

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