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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108149781

Words: religious_order, religious_sect, sect

Gloss: a subdivision of a larger religious group

hypernym 108081668 - faith, organized_religion, religion
derivationally related 302794372 - sectarian
derivationally related 302091574 - sectarian
hyponym 108075647 - sisterhood
hyponym 108085159 - Albigenses, Cathari, Cathars
hyponym 108088963 - High_Anglican_Church, High_Church
hyponym 108093653 - Abecedarian
hyponym 108093813 - Amish_sect
hyponym 108094386 - Karaites
hyponym 108096301 - Shia, Shiah, Shiah_Islam
hyponym 108096474 - Sunni, Sunni_Islam
hyponym 108097072 - Shivaism, Sivaism
hyponym 108097222 - Saktism, Shaktism
hyponym 108097391 - Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism
hyponym 108097531 - Haredi
hyponym 108097766 - Hare_Krishna, ISKCON, International_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness
hyponym 108098192 - Jainism
hyponym 108098499 - Taoism
hyponym 108100481 - Kokka, Kokka_Shinto
hyponym 108100656 - Shua, Shuha_Shinto
hyponym 108147670 - brethren
hyponym 108147794 - monastic_order, order
hyponym 108150377 - Quakers, Religious_Society_of_Friends, Society_of_Friends
hyponym 108150576 - Shakers, United_Society_of_Believers_in_Christ's_Second_Appearing
hyponym 108150892 - Vaudois, Waldenses
hyponym 108151096 - Zurvanism
part meronym 108224413 - convent

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