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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 108147188

Words: Protestant_denomination

Gloss: group of Protestant congregations

hypernym 108146782 - denomination
member holonym 108087570 - Protestant, Protestant_Church
hyponym 108087776 - Christian_Church, Disciples_of_Christ
hyponym 108087981 - Anglican_Church, Anglican_Communion, Church_of_England
hyponym 108089205 - Church_of_Jesus_Christ_of_Latter-Day_Saints, Mormon_Church, Mormons
hyponym 108089420 - Baptist_Church, Baptists
hyponym 108089627 - Baptist_denomination
hyponym 108090803 - Christian_Science, Church_of_Christ_Scientist
hyponym 108090973 - Congregational_Church
hyponym 108091152 - Congregational_Christian_Church
hyponym 108091290 - Evangelical_and_Reformed_Church
hyponym 108091412 - United_Church_of_Christ
hyponym 108091575 - Jehovah's_Witnesses
hyponym 108091744 - Lutheran_Church
hyponym 108091891 - Presbyterian_Church
hyponym 108092040 - Unitarian_Church
hyponym 108092190 - Arminian_Church
hyponym 108092340 - Methodist_Church, Methodists
hyponym 108092539 - Methodist_denomination
hyponym 108093111 - Anabaptist_denomination
hyponym 108093269 - Mennonite_Church
hyponym 108150770 - Assemblies_of_God

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