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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107680932

Words: bun, roll

Gloss: small rounded bread either plain or sweet

hypernym 107679356 - bread, breadstuff, staff_of_life
hyponym 107681264 - tea_bread
hyponym 107690019 - frankfurter_bun, hotdog_bun
hyponym 107690152 - hamburger_bun, hamburger_roll
hyponym 107691539 - brioche
hyponym 107691650 - crescent_roll, croissant
hyponym 107691758 - Vienna_roll, hard_roll
hyponym 107691863 - soft_roll
hyponym 107691954 - kaiser_roll
hyponym 107692114 - Parker_House_roll
hyponym 107692248 - clover-leaf_roll
hyponym 107692405 - onion_roll
hyponym 107692614 - coffee_roll, sweet_roll
hyponym 107693725 - bagel, beigel

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