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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107622708

Words: pastry

Gloss: any of various baked foods made of dough or batter

hypernym 107622061 - baked_goods
substance meronym 107569106 - flour
hyponym 107623263 - pie_crust, pie_shell
hyponym 107623363 - dowdy, pandowdy
hyponym 107623475 - frangipane
hyponym 107623576 - streusel
hyponym 107623664 - tart
hyponym 107625201 - timbale, timbale_case
hyponym 107625493 - pie
hyponym 107626959 - French_pastry
hyponym 107627223 - bouchee, patty_shell
hyponym 107627380 - sausage_roll
hyponym 107627478 - toad-in-the-hole
hyponym 107627564 - vol-au-vent
hyponym 107627693 - strudel
hyponym 107627790 - baklava
hyponym 107628328 - profiterole
hyponym 107628470 - puff
hyponym 107937786 - rugelach, ruggelach, rugulah

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