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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 107583197

Words: soup

Gloss: liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food

hypernym 107557434 - dish
hyponym 107583865 - soup_du_jour
hyponym 107583978 - alphabet_soup
hyponym 107584110 - consomme
hyponym 107584332 - bisque
hyponym 107584423 - borsch, borscht, borsh, borshch, borsht, bortsch
hyponym 107584593 - broth
hyponym 107585208 - broth, stock
hyponym 107585557 - chicken_soup
hyponym 107585644 - cock-a-leekie, cocky-leeky
hyponym 107585758 - gazpacho
hyponym 107585906 - gumbo
hyponym 107585997 - julienne
hyponym 107586099 - marmite
hyponym 107586179 - mock_turtle_soup
hyponym 107586318 - mulligatawny
hyponym 107586485 - oxtail_soup
hyponym 107586604 - pea_soup
hyponym 107586718 - Philadelphia_pepper_pot, pepper_pot
hyponym 107586894 - minestrone, petite_marmite, vegetable_soup
hyponym 107587023 - potage, pottage
hyponym 107587206 - green_turtle_soup, turtle_soup
hyponym 107587331 - eggdrop_soup
hyponym 107587441 - chowder
hyponym 107588193 - won_ton, wonton, wonton_soup
hyponym 107588299 - split-pea_soup
hyponym 107588419 - green_pea_soup, potage_St._Germain
hyponym 107588574 - lentil_soup
hyponym 107588688 - Scotch_broth
hyponym 107588817 - vichyssoise

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