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Gloss: an explanation that results from interpreting something; "the report included his interpretation of the forensic evidence"
hypernym 106738281 - account, explanation
derivationally related 200938247 - interpret, rede
derivationally related 200623151 - construe, interpret, see
hyponym 106742426 - exposition, expounding
hyponym 106742630 - construal
hyponym 107171206 - clarification, elucidation, illumination
hyponym 107171785 - eisegesis
hyponym 107171940 - exegesis
hyponym 107172117 - ijtihad
hyponym 107173258 - literal_interpretation
hyponym 107173585 - version
hyponym 107173766 - reading
hyponym 107173959 - construction, twist
hyponym 107174138 - reconstruction
hyponym 107174260 - popularisation, popularization
hyponym 107174433 - misinterpretation, mistaking, misunderstanding
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