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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106904171

Words: natural_language, tongue

Gloss: a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language

hypernym 106282651 - language, linguistic_communication
antonym 106894544 - artificial_language
hyponym 106904748 - first_language, maternal_language, mother_tongue
hyponym 106904943 - tonal_language, tone_language
hyponym 106905358 - creole
hyponym 106906439 - American-Indian_language, American_Indian, Amerind, Amerindian_language, Indian
hyponym 106918042 - Eskimo-Aleut, Eskimo-Aleut_language
hyponym 106928234 - Chukchi, Chukchi_language
hyponym 106930934 - Sino-Tibetan, Sino-Tibetan_language
hyponym 106936620 - Austro-Asiatic, Austro-Asiatic_language, Munda-Mon-Khmer
hyponym 106937098 - Hmong, Hmong_language, Miao
hyponym 106937531 - Austronesian, Austronesian_language
hyponym 106941115 - Papuan, Papuan_language
hyponym 106941341 - Khoisan, Khoisan_language
hyponym 106941644 - Indo-European, Indo-European_language, Indo-Hittite
hyponym 106955931 - Ural-Altaic
hyponym 106966695 - Basque
hyponym 106968454 - Elamite, Elamitic, Susian
hyponym 106968601 - Cassite, Kassite
hyponym 106978180 - Caucasian, Caucasian_language
hyponym 106979014 - Dravidian, Dravidian_language, Dravidic
hyponym 106986558 - Afrasian, Afrasian_language, Afro-Asiatic, Afroasiatic, Afroasiatic_language, Hamito-Semitic
hyponym 106991277 - Niger-Kordofanian, Niger-Kordofanian_language
hyponym 106997697 - Nilo-Saharan, Nilo-Saharan_language

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