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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106865345

Words: musical_note, note, tone

Gloss: a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound; "the singer held the note too long"

hypernym 106814870 - musical_notation
member holonym 106856568 - musical_scale, scale
derivationally related 302438043 - tonic
hyponym 106857726 - keynote, tonic
hyponym 106857867 - supertonic
hyponym 106857986 - mediant
hyponym 106858144 - subdominant
hyponym 106858266 - dominant
hyponym 106858384 - submediant
hyponym 106858539 - leading_tone, subtonic
hyponym 106858674 - pedal, pedal_point
hyponym 106860177 - shake, trill
hyponym 106869815 - middle_C
hyponym 106869951 - chord
hyponym 106870437 - passing_note, passing_tone
hyponym 106870576 - semibreve, whole_note
hyponym 106870844 - half_note, minim
hyponym 106871127 - crotchet, quarter_note
hyponym 106871384 - eighth_note, quaver
hyponym 106871534 - semiquaver, sixteenth_note
hyponym 106871675 - demisemiquaver, thirty-second_note
hyponym 106871828 - hemidemisemiquaver, sixty-fourth_note
hyponym 106871983 - acciaccatura, appoggiatura, grace_note
hyponym 107051517 - blue_note
hyponym 107084747 - monotone

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