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Gloss: a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.; "the explanation was very simple"; "I expected a brief account"
hypernym 106722453 - statement
derivationally related 200965035 - account, describe, report
derivationally related 200867644 - account, answer_for
derivationally related 201065456 - explain
part meronym 106738823 - explanandum, explicandum
part meronym 106739013 - explanans
hyponym 106739180 - simplification
hyponym 106739509 - accounting
hyponym 106739990 - reason
hyponym 106740183 - justification
hyponym 106742173 - exposition
hyponym 106743362 - explication
hyponym 106744000 - gloss, rubric
hyponym 106744154 - derivation, deriving, etymologizing
hyponym 106744396 - definition
hyponym 107170753 - interpretation
hyponym 107282289 - walk-through
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