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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106702458

Words: doctor's_degree, doctorate

Gloss: one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university

hypernym 106697331 - academic_degree, degree
derivationally related 302893338 - doctoral, doctorial
derivationally related 302893338 - doctoral, doctorial
hyponym 106702888 - DMD, Doctor_of_Dental_Medicine
hyponym 106703002 - DDS, Doctor_of_Dental_Surgery
hyponym 106703114 - DD, Doctor_of_Divinity
hyponym 106703213 - DEd, Doctor_of_Education, EdD
hyponym 106703321 - Doctor_of_Medicine, MD
hyponym 106703420 - DMus, Doctor_of_Music, MusD
hyponym 106703522 - AMusD, Doctor_of_Musical_Arts
hyponym 106703632 - Doctor_of_Optometry, OD
hyponym 106703733 - DO, Doctor_of_Osteopathy
hyponym 106703834 - D.A., Doctor_of_Arts
hyponym 106703953 - Doctor_of_Philosophy
hyponym 106704366 - DPH, Doctor_of_Public_Health
hyponym 106704482 - Doctor_of_Theology, ThD
hyponym 106704582 - Doctor_of_Sacred_Theology, STD

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