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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 106196584

Words: disposition, inclination, tendency

Gloss: an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict"

hypernym 106193203 - attitude, mental_attitude
derivationally related 300730985 - tendencious, tendentious
derivationally related 300730985 - tendencious, tendentious
derivationally related 202719399 - be_given, incline, lean, run, tend
derivationally related 200680841 - dispose, incline
derivationally related 202719399 - be_given, incline, lean, run, tend
derivationally related 200680841 - dispose, incline
hyponym 106197215 - direction
hyponym 106197664 - drift, movement, trend
hyponym 106198505 - Call
hyponym 106198708 - denominationalism
hyponym 106198876 - devices
hyponym 106199142 - sympathy, understanding
hyponym 106199446 - favoritism, favouritism
hyponym 106199561 - leaning, proclivity, propensity
hyponym 106199702 - bent, set
hyponym 106199893 - literalism
hyponym 106200010 - perseveration
hyponym 106200178 - predisposition
hyponym 106200617 - favor, favour
hyponym 106200741 - disapproval, disfavor, disfavour, dislike
hyponym 106201136 - partiality, partisanship
hyponym 106202686 - impartiality, nonpartisanship

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