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Gloss: the branch of biology concerned with the relations between organisms and their environment
hypernym 106037666 - biological_science, biology
derivationally related 302906478 - bionomic, bionomical, ecologic, ecological
derivationally related 302906478 - bionomic, bionomical, ecologic, ecological
derivationally related 302906478 - bionomic, bionomical, ecologic, ecological
derivationally related 302906478 - bionomic, bionomical, ecologic, ecological
derivationally related 110043163 - ecologist
member topic 301106614 - cosmopolitan, widely_distributed
member topic 301106815 - endemic
member topic 302716247 - eutrophic
hyponym 106082709 - palaeoecology, paleoecology
member topic 107941729 - biotic_community, community
member topic 107990377 - association
member topic 111455901 - food_chain
member topic 111456083 - food_pyramid
member topic 111456273 - food_cycle, food_web
member topic 113476267 - ecesis, establishment
member topic 113562862 - ecological_succession, succession
member topic 113924336 - ecological_niche, niche
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