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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105669934

Words: cognitive_state, state_of_mind

Gloss: the state of a person's cognitive processes

hypernym 114373582 - mental_condition, mental_state, psychological_condition, psychological_state
hyponym 105671217 - interestedness
hyponym 105672391 - amnesia, blackout, memory_loss
hyponym 105672698 - paramnesia
hyponym 105674584 - readiness, set
hyponym 105674927 - ivory_tower
hyponym 105675130 - consciousness
hyponym 105678932 - unconsciousness
hyponym 105682431 - subconsciousness
hyponym 105682570 - curiosity, wonder
hyponym 105683582 - confusedness, confusion, disarray, mental_confusion, muddiness
hyponym 105697135 - certainty
hyponym 105698247 - doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, incertitude, uncertainty
hyponym 105699906 - morbidity, morbidness
hyponym 105700087 - absorption, engrossment, preoccupancy, preoccupation
hyponym 105787175 - inwardness
hyponym 105787498 - outwardness

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