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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105624700

Words: creative_thinking, creativeness, creativity

Gloss: the ability to create

hypernym 105616246 - ability, power
derivationally related 300585202 - creative
derivationally related 300643250 - creative, originative
antonym 105649385 - uncreativeness
derivationally related 300585202 - creative
derivationally related 300643250 - creative, originative
attribute 300643250 - creative, originative
attribute 300644372 - uncreative
hyponym 105625066 - fecundity, fruitfulness
hyponym 105625210 - flight
hyponym 105625373 - genius, wizardry
hyponym 105625465 - imagination, imaginativeness, vision
hyponym 105633385 - conception, design, excogitation, innovation, invention
hyponym 105633672 - cleverness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, inventiveness
part meronym 105797177 - divergent_thinking, out-of-the-box_thinking

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