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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105560787

Words: leg

Gloss: a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle

hypernym 105560244 - limb
part holonym 105216365 - body, organic_structure, physical_structure
derivationally related 302385851 - leggy, long-legged, long-shanked
part meronym 105376844 - fibular_vein, peroneal_vein, vena_peroneus
part meronym 105379734 - saphenous_vein, vena_saphena
part meronym 105384300 - tibial_vein, vena_tibialis
part meronym 105561390 - crus
hyponym 105561707 - peg, pin, stick
hyponym 105561834 - bandy_leg, bandyleg, bow_leg, bowleg, genu_varum, tibia_vara
hyponym 105562015 - shank's_mare, shank's_pony, shanks'_mare, shanks'_pony
hyponym 105562161 - spindlelegs, spindleshanks
part meronym 105562249 - thigh
part meronym 105562756 - shank
part meronym 105562902 - shin
part meronym 105563266 - foot, human_foot, pes
part meronym 105567875 - nervus_ischiadicus, sciatic_nerve
part meronym 105568349 - nervus_saphenus, saphenous_nerve
part meronym 105573602 - articulatio_genus, genu, human_knee, knee, knee_joint
part meronym 105578442 - ankle, ankle_joint, articulatio_talocruralis, mortise_joint
part meronym 105591256 - musculus_tibialis, tibialis, tibialis_muscle
part meronym 105594037 - leg_bone
part meronym 105594201 - calf_bone, fibula
part meronym 105594367 - shin, shin_bone, shinbone, tibia
part meronym 114559983 - genu_valgum, knock-knee, tibia_valga

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