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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 105515670

Words: sac

Gloss: a structure resembling a bag in an animal

hypernym 105303402 - bodily_cavity, cavity, cavum
hyponym 101465046 - yolk_sac
hyponym 101465243 - umbilical_vesicle, vesicula_umbilicus, vitelline_sac, yolk_sac
hyponym 101472638 - amnion, amnios, amniotic_sac
hyponym 101472939 - chorion
hyponym 101905543 - coelenteron
hyponym 102467581 - air_bladder, float, swim_bladder
hyponym 102467746 - air_sac
hyponym 102467884 - air_sac
hyponym 105322570 - saccule, sacculus
hyponym 105512139 - bladder, vesica
hyponym 105516366 - acinus
hyponym 105516554 - bursa
hyponym 105516711 - cistern, cisterna
hyponym 105516848 - pocket, pouch
hyponym 105517578 - cyst, vesicle
hyponym 105528395 - air_cell, air_sac, alveolus
hyponym 105604854 - pericardial_sac

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