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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 105254795

Words: hair

Gloss: a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head); helps to prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"; "each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells"

hypernym 105237755 - body_covering
part holonym 105461179 - integumentary_system
derivationally related 300212173 - haired, hairy, hirsute
hyponym 101898731 - coat, pelage
hyponym 101898906 - guard_hair
hyponym 101899746 - mane
hyponym 101900006 - forelock, foretop
hyponym 102416270 - beard
hyponym 105255578 - body_hair
hyponym 105255692 - down, pile
hyponym 105256085 - head_of_hair, mane
part meronym 105256220 - hairline
part meronym 105256358 - part, parting
hyponym 105256702 - cowlick
hyponym 105256862 - coif, coiffure, hair_style, hairdo, hairstyle
hyponym 105257737 - curl, lock, ringlet, whorl
hyponym 105261404 - facial_hair
hyponym 105263587 - bush, crotch_hair, pubic_hair
hyponym 105313535 - brow, eyebrow, supercilium
hyponym 105314919 - cilium, eyelash, lash
substance meronym 114732472 - ceratin, keratin

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