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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104606574

Words: spanner, wrench

Gloss: a hand tool that is used to hold or twist a nut or bolt

hypernym 103489162 - hand_tool
derivationally related 201349493 - twist, wrench
hyponym 102680754 - adjustable_spanner, adjustable_wrench
hyponym 102697675 - Allen_wrench
hyponym 102697876 - alligator_wrench
hyponym 102886434 - box_end_wrench, box_wrench
hyponym 102888429 - brace_wrench
hyponym 102916065 - bulldog_wrench
hyponym 102969527 - carriage_wrench
hyponym 103218446 - dog_wrench
hyponym 103533845 - hook_spanner, hook_wrench
part meronym 103594277 - jaw
hyponym 103696746 - lug_wrench
hyponym 103848168 - open-end_wrench, tappet_wrench
hyponym 103944530 - pin_wrench
hyponym 104154854 - screw_key
hyponym 104255346 - socket_wrench
hyponym 104269502 - sparkplug_wrench
hyponym 104393913 - tap_wrench
hyponym 104457910 - torque_wrench

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