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Gloss: any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"
hypernym 103574816 - instrument
part holonym 104566257 - arms, implements_of_war, munition, weaponry, weapons_system
derivationally related 202334867 - arm
derivationally related 201087197 - arm, build_up, fortify, gird
derivationally related 200584954 - weaponize
hyponym 102879718 - bow
hyponym 102880393 - bow_and_arrow
hyponym 102892948 - brass_knuckles, brass_knucks, knuckle_duster, knuckles, knucks
hyponym 103347191 - fire_ship
hyponym 103356559 - flamethrower
hyponym 103467984 - gun
hyponym 103624134 - knife
hyponym 103665851 - light_arm
hyponym 103773504 - missile
hyponym 103935450 - pike
hyponym 104008634 - missile, projectile
hyponym 104234160 - slasher
hyponym 104239639 - sling
hyponym 104270891 - lance, shaft, spear
hyponym 104346157 - stun_baton, stun_gun
hyponym 104373894 - blade, brand, steel, sword
hyponym 104449966 - hatchet, tomahawk
hyponym 104565963 - W.M.D., WMD, weapon_of_mass_destruction
hyponym 114891255 - Greek_fire
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