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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 104181228

Words: bond, hamper, shackle, trammel

Gloss: a restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner)

hypernym 104081844 - constraint, restraint
derivationally related 200233335 - bound, confine, limit, restrain, restrict, throttle, trammel
derivationally related 201085474 - hamper, handicap, hinder
derivationally related 200236289 - cramp, halter, hamper, strangle
derivationally related 201288052 - fetter, shackle
hyponym 102779609 - ball_and_chain
hyponym 103330947 - fetter, hobble
hyponym 103484576 - cuff, handcuff, handlock, manacle
hyponym 103585438 - chains, irons

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