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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103963982

Words: playing_card

Gloss: one of a pack of cards that are used to play card games

hypernym 102962545 - card
member holonym 107956721 - deck, deck_of_cards, pack_of_cards
hyponym 100492083 - crib
hyponym 102673291 - ace
hyponym 103053788 - club
hyponym 103182795 - deuce, two
hyponym 103187972 - diamond
hyponym 103233246 - draw
part meronym 103313602 - face
hyponym 103314028 - court_card, face_card, picture_card
hyponym 103414574 - gaming_card
hyponym 103507048 - heart
hyponym 103527000 - hole_card
hyponym 103601964 - joker
hyponym 104223435 - singleton
hyponym 104266660 - spade
hyponym 104286307 - spot
hyponym 104327825 - stopper
hyponym 104351233 - suit
hyponym 104480415 - three, trey
hyponym 104491135 - trump, trump_card
hyponym 104584512 - wild_card
part meronym 107271942 - pip, spot

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