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English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103740161

Words: medicament, medication, medicinal_drug, medicine

Gloss: (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease

hypernym 103247620 - drug
domain topic 106043075 - medical_specialty, medicine
derivationally related 200084230 - medicate, medicine
derivationally related 301166656 - medicative, medicinal
derivationally related 200084230 - medicate, medicine
derivationally related 200084562 - medicate
derivationally related 200084230 - medicate, medicine
member topic 301846049 - prescription
member topic 301846204 - nonprescription, over-the-counter
hyponym 102678528 - Zovirax, acyclovir
hyponym 102696384 - Fosamax, alendronate
hyponym 102698036 - Zyloprim, allopurinol
hyponym 102706373 - Inocor, amrinone
hyponym 102707683 - analgesic, anodyne, pain_pill, painkiller
hyponym 102711422 - angiogenesis_inhibitor
hyponym 102715941 - antiarrhythmic, antiarrhythmic_drug, antiarrhythmic_medication
hyponym 102716205 - antibacterial, antibacterial_drug, bactericide
hyponym 102717901 - anticholinergic, anticholinergic_drug
hyponym 102718084 - anticholinesterase
hyponym 102718259 - anticoagulant, anticoagulant_medication, decoagulant
hyponym 102718469 - anticonvulsant, anticonvulsant_drug, antiepileptic, antiepileptic_drug
hyponym 102718811 - antidepressant, antidepressant_drug
hyponym 102719105 - antidiabetic, antidiabetic_drug
hyponym 102719294 - antidiarrheal, antidiarrheal_drug
hyponym 102719450 - antidiuretic, antidiuretic_drug
hyponym 102719750 - antiemetic, antiemetic_drug
hyponym 102720725 - antihistamine
hyponym 102721160 - antihypertensive, antihypertensive_drug
hyponym 102721538 - anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory_drug
hyponym 102723292 - antiprotozoal, antiprotozoal_drug
hyponym 102723595 - antipyretic, febrifuge
hyponym 102724207 - antiseptic
hyponym 102724533 - antispasmodic, antispasmodic_agent, spasmolytic
hyponym 102725242 - antitussive
hyponym 102725367 - antiviral, antiviral_agent, antiviral_drug
hyponym 102726861 - APC
hyponym 102750835 - astringent, astringent_drug, styptic
hyponym 102753569 - atomic_cocktail
hyponym 102765247 - Imuran, azathioprine
hyponym 102854156 - blocker, blocking_agent
hyponym 102905612 - bronchodilator
hyponym 102938514 - calcium-channel_blocker, calcium_blocker
hyponym 102965617 - carminative
hyponym 103047353 - Atromid-S, clofibrate
hyponym 103048598 - Plavix, clopidogrel_bisulfate
hyponym 103067690 - cold_medicine
hyponym 103117776 - counterirritant
hyponym 103157987 - cytotoxic_drug
hyponym 103169271 - decongestant
hyponym 103174829 - demulcent
hyponym 103188979 - diaphoretic
hyponym 103214051 - Antabuse, disulfiram
hyponym 103225238 - dosage, dose
hyponym 103245075 - Drixoral
hyponym 103248560 - HAART, drug_cocktail, highly_active_antiretroviral_therapy
hyponym 103304605 - expectorant, expectorator
hyponym 103354082 - fixed-combination_drug
hyponym 103433079 - Lopid, gemfibrozil
hyponym 103513961 - haematinic, hematinic
hyponym 103515500 - herbal_medicine
hyponym 103522239 - histamine_blocker
hyponym 103562958 - immune_suppressant_drug, immunosuppressant, immunosuppressive, immunosuppressive_drug, immunosuppressor
hyponym 103571155 - inhalant, inhalation
hyponym 103587874 - Isuprel, isoproterenol
hyponym 103588046 - Isordil, isosorbide
hyponym 103676175 - lipid-lowering_medication, lipid-lowering_medicine, statin, statin_drug
hyponym 103753826 - Mecholyl, methacholine
hyponym 103836699 - nux_vomica
hyponym 103866176 - over-the-counter_drug, over-the-counter_medicine
hyponym 103869685 - oxytocic, oxytocic_drug
hyponym 103889974 - camphorated_tincture_of_opium, paregoric
hyponym 103898936 - patent_medicine
hyponym 103909835 - Cuprimine, penicillamine
hyponym 103913702 - Metrazol, pentamethylenetetrazol, pentylenetetrazol
hyponym 103920989 - pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
hyponym 103952696 - placebo
hyponym 103994008 - powder
hyponym 103999280 - ethical_drug, prescription, prescription_drug, prescription_medicine
hyponym 104006584 - probenecid
hyponym 104025748 - aperient, cathartic, physic, purgative
hyponym 104074482 - curative, cure, remedy, therapeutic
hyponym 104117089 - rubefacient
hyponym 104166553 - depressant, downer, sedative, sedative_drug
hyponym 104260816 - soothing_syrup
hyponym 104271640 - specific
hyponym 104349701 - Carafate, sucralfate
hyponym 104350347 - sudatory, sudorific
hyponym 104361381 - suppository
hyponym 104439122 - tincture
hyponym 104451473 - restorative, tonic
hyponym 104506005 - tyrosine_kinase_inhibitor
hyponym 104528354 - vermicide
hyponym 104528630 - anthelminthic, anthelmintic, helminthic, vermifuge
substance meronym 112487262 - physostigmine

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