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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103738472

Words: mechanism

Gloss: device consisting of a piece of machinery; has moving parts that perform some function

hypernym 103183080 - device
derivationally related 301499686 - mechanical
hyponym 102677718 - action, action_mechanism
hyponym 102678384 - actuator
hyponym 102761392 - automaton, golem, robot
hyponym 102764614 - axis, axis_of_rotation
hyponym 102969010 - carriage
hyponym 102972533 - cartridge_ejector, ejector
hyponym 102972714 - cartridge_extractor, cartridge_remover, extractor
hyponym 103047171 - clockwork
hyponym 103096960 - control, controller
hyponym 103102859 - cooling, cooling_system
hyponym 103172738 - delayed_action
hyponym 103242995 - drive
hyponym 103243625 - drive_line, drive_line_system
hyponym 103317990 - fail-safe
hyponym 103339529 - film_advance
hyponym 103431243 - gear, gear_mechanism
hyponym 103530041 - homing_device
hyponym 103551790 - hydraulic_system
hyponym 103560567 - ignition, ignition_system
hyponym 103683341 - lock
hyponym 103736970 - mechanical_device
hyponym 104040759 - radiator
hyponym 104110955 - rotating_mechanism
hyponym 104312916 - steering_linkage
hyponym 104313220 - steering_mechanism, steering_system
hyponym 104392764 - tape_drive, tape_transport, transport
hyponym 104578708 - whirler
hyponym 104602840 - workings, works

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