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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103713736

Words: antipsychotic, antipsychotic_agent, antipsychotic_drug, major_tranquilizer, major_tranquilliser, major_tranquillizer, neuroleptic, neuroleptic_agent, neuroleptic_drug

Gloss: tranquilizer used to treat psychotic conditions when a calming effect is desired

hypernym 104470232 - antianxiety_agent, ataractic, ataractic_agent, ataractic_drug, tranquilizer, tranquilliser, tranquillizer
hyponym 103023175 - Thorazine, chlorpromazine
hyponym 103053272 - Clozaril, clozapine
hyponym 103203641 - diphenylbutyl_piperidine
hyponym 103371258 - fluphenazine
hyponym 103480186 - Haldol, haloperidol
hyponym 103694490 - Loxitane, loxapine
hyponym 103780896 - Moban, molindone
hyponym 104007239 - prochlorperazine
hyponym 104425262 - Mellaril, thioridazine
hyponym 104425656 - Navane, thiothixene
hyponym 114941884 - Eskalith, Lithane, Lithonate, lithium_carbonate

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