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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 103050026

Words: cloth_covering

Gloss: a covering made of cloth

hypernym 103122748 - covering
hyponym 102721813 - antimacassar
hyponym 102767665 - back
hyponym 102820210 - bed_clothing, bedclothes, bedding
hyponym 102851939 - blindfold
hyponym 102876084 - bosom
hyponym 102922159 - burial_garment
hyponym 103114379 - cosy, cozy, tea_cosy, tea_cozy
hyponym 103237639 - dressing, medical_dressing
hyponym 103268311 - elbow
hyponym 103309356 - eyepatch, patch
hyponym 103499611 - havelock
hyponym 103622698 - knee
hyponym 103641947 - lap, lap_covering
hyponym 103654576 - leg
hyponym 104162433 - seat
hyponym 104207151 - shoulder
hyponym 104231272 - skirt
hyponym 104236377 - arm, sleeve
hyponym 104240752 - slipcover

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