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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102834778

Words: bicycle, bike, cycle, wheel

Gloss: a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

hypernym 104576211 - wheeled_vehicle
derivationally related 109986189 - bicycler, bicyclist, cyclist, wheeler
derivationally related 201935476 - bicycle, bike, cycle, pedal, wheel
derivationally related 109986189 - bicycler, bicyclist, cyclist, wheeler
derivationally related 201935476 - bicycle, bike, cycle, pedal, wheel
hyponym 102835271 - bicycle-built-for-two, tandem, tandem_bicycle
part meronym 102835915 - bicycle_seat, saddle
part meronym 102836035 - bicycle_wheel
part meronym 102999410 - chain
part meronym 103056873 - coaster_brake
part meronym 103487090 - handlebar
part meronym 103616428 - kickstand
hyponym 103792782 - all-terrain_bike, mountain_bike, off-roader
part meronym 103796605 - mudguard, splash-guard, splash_guard
hyponym 103853924 - ordinary, ordinary_bicycle
part meronym 103903424 - foot_lever, foot_pedal, pedal, treadle
hyponym 104026813 - push-bike
hyponym 104126066 - safety_bicycle, safety_bike
part meronym 104289690 - sprocket, sprocket_wheel
hyponym 104524716 - velocipede

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