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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102722458

Words: antineoplastic, antineoplastic_drug, cancer_drug

Gloss: any of several drugs that control or kill neoplastic cells; used in chemotherapy to kill cancer cells; all have unpleasant side effects that may include nausea and vomiting and hair loss and suppression of bone marrow function

hypernym 103157987 - cytotoxic_drug
derivationally related 302629410 - anticancer, antineoplastic, antitumor, antitumour
hyponym 102697438 - alkylating_agent
hyponym 102722166 - antimetabolite
hyponym 102722997 - antineoplastic_antibiotic
hyponym 102747915 - Elspar, asparaginase
hyponym 103368750 - floxuridine
hyponym 103687688 - lomustine
hyponym 103743577 - Alkeran, melphalan
hyponym 103917455 - periwinkle_plant_derivative
hyponym 104007126 - procarbazine
hyponym 104424826 - thioguanine
hyponym 104425544 - thiotepa

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