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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102716205

Words: antibacterial, antibacterial_drug, bactericide

Gloss: any drug that destroys bacteria or inhibits their growth

hypernym 103740161 - medicament, medication, medicinal_drug, medicine
derivationally related 302116054 - bactericidal, disinfectant, germicidal
hyponym 102716866 - antibiotic, antibiotic_drug
hyponym 102765656 - Zithromax, azithromycin
hyponym 103162171 - dapsone
hyponym 103192347 - Dynapen, dicloxacillin
hyponym 103517271 - hexachlorophene
hyponym 103587715 - INH, Nydrazid, isoniazid
hyponym 103755140 - Mandelamine, Urex, methenamine
hyponym 103806040 - NegGram, nalidixic_acid
hyponym 103818629 - Neosporin
hyponym 103826443 - Macrodantin, nitrofurantoin
hyponym 104090064 - Rifadin, Rimactane, rifampin
hyponym 104352070 - sulfa, sulfa_drug, sulfonamide, sulpha
hyponym 104416530 - Achromycin, tetracycline
hyponym 114770838 - crystal_violet, gentian_violet

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