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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 102472293

Words: homo, human, human_being, man

Gloss: any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage

hypernym 102471762 - hominid
member holonym 102472012 - genus_Homo
derivationally related 302743261 - human
derivationally related 301258617 - human
member topic 301490855 - prepubertal, prepubescent
part meronym 102463403 - loin, lumbus
hyponym 102472987 - human_beings, human_race, humanity, humankind, humans, man, mankind, world
hyponym 102473307 - Homo_erectus
hyponym 102474110 - Homo_soloensis
hyponym 102474605 - Homo_habilis
hyponym 102474777 - Homo_sapiens
hyponym 102475078 - Homo_sapiens_neanderthalensis, Neandertal, Neandertal_man, Neanderthal, Neanderthal_man
member topic 105216365 - body, organic_structure, physical_structure
part meronym 105217168 - anatomy, bod, build, chassis, figure, flesh, form, frame, human_body, material_body, physical_body, physique, shape, soma
part meronym 105255578 - body_hair
part meronym 105256085 - head_of_hair, mane
part meronym 105539138 - human_head
member topic 105551318 - side
part meronym 105563266 - foot, human_foot, pes
part meronym 105563770 - arm
part meronym 105564590 - hand, manus, mitt, paw
part meronym 105600637 - face, human_face
member topic 106135915 - nutrition
hyponym 110528148 - Homo_rhodesiensis, Rhodesian_man
member topic 114224547 - schistosome_dermatitis, swimmer's_itch
member topic 114471724 - hyperdactyly, polydactyly
member topic 114471926 - syndactylism, syndactyly

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