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Noun Synset: 102159955

Words: insect

Gloss: small air-breathing arthropod

hypernym 101767661 - arthropod
member holonym 101767199 - Arthropoda, phylum_Arthropoda
member holonym 107996149 - cloud, swarm
derivationally related 302832164 - insectan
member topic 302694784 - chirpy
part meronym 101903631 - clypeus
part meronym 102151625 - wing
part meronym 102151940 - ala
hyponym 102160947 - social_insect
hyponym 102161078 - ephemeral, ephemeron
hyponym 102161225 - holometabola, metabola
hyponym 102161338 - defoliator
hyponym 102161457 - pollinator
hyponym 102161588 - gallfly
hyponym 102162235 - mecopteran
hyponym 102163297 - collembolan, springtail
hyponym 102163763 - proturan, telsontail
hyponym 102164464 - beetle
hyponym 102183507 - web_spinner
hyponym 102183857 - louse, sucking_louse
hyponym 102185481 - bird_louse, biting_louse, louse
hyponym 102186153 - flea
hyponym 102188699 - dipteran, dipteron, dipterous_insect, two-winged_insects
hyponym 102198129 - leaf-miner, leaf_miner
hyponym 102206270 - hymenopter, hymenopteran, hymenopteron, hymenopterous_insect
hyponym 102207449 - worker
hyponym 102223266 - termite, white_ant
hyponym 102226183 - orthopteran, orthopteron, orthopterous_insect
hyponym 102231052 - phasmid, phasmid_insect
hyponym 102232951 - dictyopterous_insect
hyponym 102236355 - bug
hyponym 102236896 - bug, hemipteran, hemipteron, hemipterous_insect
hyponym 102241569 - heteropterous_insect
hyponym 102246011 - homopteran, homopterous_insect
hyponym 102260421 - psocopterous_insect
hyponym 102262178 - ephemerid, ephemeropteran
hyponym 102262803 - plecopteran, stone_fly, stonefly
hyponym 102263378 - neuropteran, neuropteron, neuropterous_insect
hyponym 102268148 - odonate
hyponym 102269196 - trichopteran, trichopteron, trichopterous_insect
hyponym 102270011 - thysanuran_insect, thysanuron
hyponym 102271570 - thysanopter, thysanopteron, thysanopterous_insect
hyponym 102272871 - earwig
hyponym 102274024 - lepidopteran, lepidopteron, lepidopterous_insect
hyponym 102312427 - pupa
hyponym 102312912 - imago
hyponym 102313008 - queen
part meronym 102467884 - air_sac
part meronym 102665543 - thorax
part meronym 105277100 - mentum
member topic 113493692 - holometabolism, holometaboly

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