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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 102092468

Words: terrier

Gloss: any of several usually small short-bodied breeds originally trained to hunt animals living underground

hypernym 102087122 - hunting_dog
hyponym 102093056 - bull_terrier, bullterrier
hyponym 102093647 - Bedlington_terrier
hyponym 102093754 - Border_terrier
hyponym 102093859 - Kerry_blue_terrier
hyponym 102093991 - Irish_terrier
hyponym 102094114 - Norfolk_terrier
hyponym 102094258 - Norwich_terrier
hyponym 102094433 - Yorkshire_terrier
hyponym 102094562 - rat_terrier, ratter
hyponym 102095050 - fox_terrier
hyponym 102095412 - wire-haired_terrier, wirehair, wirehaired_terrier
hyponym 102096051 - Airedale, Airedale_terrier
hyponym 102096177 - cairn, cairn_terrier
hyponym 102096294 - Australian_terrier
hyponym 102096437 - Dandie_Dinmont, Dandie_Dinmont_terrier
hyponym 102096585 - Boston_bull, Boston_terrier
hyponym 102096756 - schnauzer
hyponym 102097298 - Scotch_terrier, Scottie, Scottish_terrier
hyponym 102097474 - Tibetan_terrier, chrysanthemum_dog
hyponym 102097658 - Sydney_silky, silky_terrier
hyponym 102097786 - Skye_terrier
hyponym 102098105 - soft-coated_wheaten_terrier
hyponym 102098286 - West_Highland_white_terrier
hyponym 102098413 - Lhasa, Lhasa_apso

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