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Noun Synset: 102026059

Words: sandpiper

Gloss: any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers

hypernym 102022684 - limicoline_bird, shore_bird, shorebird
member holonym 102025530 - Scolopacidae, family_Scolopacidae
hyponym 102026948 - Actitis_hypoleucos, European_sandpiper
hyponym 102027075 - Actitis_macularia, spotted_sandpiper
hyponym 102027357 - Erolia_minutilla, least_sandpiper, stint
hyponym 102027492 - Erolia_alpina, dunlin, red-backed_sandpiper
hyponym 102027897 - Tringa_nebularia, greenshank
hyponym 102028035 - Tringa_totanus, redshank
hyponym 102028175 - yellowlegs
hyponym 102028727 - Calidris_melanotos, jacksnipe, pectoral_sandpiper
hyponym 102028900 - Calidris_canutus, grayback, greyback, knot
hyponym 102029087 - Calidris_Ferruginea, curlew_sandpiper
hyponym 102029378 - Crocethia_alba, sanderling
hyponym 102029706 - Bartramia_longicauda, Bartramian_sandpiper, upland_plover, upland_sandpiper
hyponym 102030035 - Philomachus_pugnax, ruff
hyponym 102030287 - tattler

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