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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 101976957

Words: crab

Gloss: decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened carapace with a small abdomen folded under the thorax and pincers

hypernym 101976146 - decapod, decapod_crustacean
member holonym 101976477 - Brachyura, suborder_Brachyura
derivationally related 201140065 - crab
hyponym 101977485 - Menippe_mercenaria, stone_crab
hyponym 101978010 - hard-shell_crab
hyponym 101978136 - soft-shell_crab, soft-shelled_crab
hyponym 101978287 - Cancer_magister, Dungeness_crab
hyponym 101978455 - Cancer_irroratus, rock_crab
hyponym 101978587 - Cancer_borealis, Jonah_crab
hyponym 101978930 - swimming_crab
hyponym 101980166 - fiddler_crab
hyponym 101980655 - pea_crab
hyponym 101981276 - Alaska_crab, Alaska_king_crab, Alaskan_king_crab, Paralithodes_camtschatica, king_crab
hyponym 101981702 - spider_crab

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