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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101942177

Words: gastropod, univalve

Gloss: a class of mollusks typically having a one-piece coiled shell and flattened muscular foot with a head bearing stalked eyes

hypernym 101940736 - mollusc, mollusk, shellfish
member holonym 101941670 - Gasteropoda, Gastropoda, class_Gasteropoda, class_Gastropoda
hyponym 101942869 - abalone, ear-shell
hyponym 101943899 - conch
hyponym 101944390 - snail
hyponym 101945685 - slug
hyponym 101945845 - seasnail
hyponym 101949973 - Ancylus_fluviatilis, freshwater_limpet, river_limpet
hyponym 101950731 - nudibranch, sea_slug
hyponym 101951274 - Aplysia_punctata, sea_hare
hyponym 101952029 - bubble_shell
hyponym 101952712 - physa
hyponym 101953361 - cowrie, cowry
hyponym 101954516 - aplacophoran, solenogaster

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