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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

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Noun Synset: 101767661

Words: arthropod

Gloss: invertebrate having jointed limbs and a segmented body with an exoskeleton made of chitin

hypernym 101905661 - invertebrate
member holonym 101767199 - Arthropoda, phylum_Arthropoda
derivationally related 302642634 - arthropodal, arthropodan, arthropodous
hyponym 101768244 - trilobite
hyponym 101769347 - arachnid, arachnoid
hyponym 101783017 - myriapod
hyponym 101783706 - Scutigerella_immaculata, garden_centipede, garden_symphilid, symphilid
hyponym 101784293 - tardigrade
hyponym 101784675 - centipede
hyponym 101786646 - millepede, milliped, millipede
hyponym 101787006 - pycnogonid, sea_spider
hyponym 101787191 - Merostomata, class_Merostomata
hyponym 101787835 - Limulus_polyphemus, Xiphosurus_polyphemus, horseshoe_crab, king_crab
hyponym 101788291 - Asian_horseshoe_crab
hyponym 101788579 - eurypterid
hyponym 101788864 - pentastomid, tongue_worm
part meronym 101903498 - sclerite
part meronym 101903756 - carapace, cuticle, shell, shield
part meronym 101905121 - apodeme
hyponym 101974773 - crustacean
hyponym 101999767 - onychophoran, peripatus, velvet_worm
hyponym 102159955 - insect
hyponym 102309242 - instar
part meronym 105225439 - arthromere
part meronym 105553618 - thorax

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