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Noun Synset: 101557185

Words: thrush

Gloss: songbirds characteristically having brownish upper plumage with a spotted breast

hypernym 101525720 - oscine, oscine_bird
member holonym 101556671 - Turdidae, family_Turdidae
hyponym 101557962 - Turdus_viscivorus, missel_thrush, mistle_thrush, mistletoe_thrush
hyponym 101558149 - Turdus_philomelos, mavis, song_thrush, throstle
hyponym 101558307 - Turdus_pilaris, fieldfare, snowbird
hyponym 101558461 - Turdus_iliacus, redwing
hyponym 101558594 - European_blackbird, Turdus_merula, blackbird, merl, merle, ousel, ouzel
hyponym 101558765 - Turdus_torquatus, ring_blackbird, ring_ouzel, ring_thrush
hyponym 101558993 - American_robin, Turdus_migratorius, robin
hyponym 101559160 - Turdus_greyi, clay-colored_robin
hyponym 101559477 - Hylocichla_guttata, hermit_thrush
hyponym 101559639 - Hylocichla_fuscescens, Wilson's_thrush, veery
hyponym 101559804 - Hylocichla_mustelina, wood_thrush
hyponym 101560105 - Luscinia_megarhynchos, nightingale
hyponym 101560280 - Luscinia_luscinia, thrush_nightingale
hyponym 101560636 - Old_World_chat, chat
hyponym 101561181 - solitaire
hyponym 101561452 - redstart, redtail
hyponym 101561732 - wheatear
hyponym 101562014 - bluebird
hyponym 101562265 - Erithacus_rubecola, Old_World_robin, redbreast, robin, robin_redbreast
hyponym 101562451 - Erithacus_svecicus, bluethroat

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