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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 101329186

Words: arborvirus, arbovirus

Gloss: a large heterogeneous group of RNA viruses divisible into groups on the basis of the virions; they have been recovered from arthropods, bats, and rodents; most are borne by arthropods; they are linked by the epidemiologic concept of transmission between vertebrate hosts by arthropod vectors (mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies, midges, etc.) that feed on blood; they can cause mild fevers, hepatitis, hemorrhagic fever, and encephalitis

hypernym 101328702 - virus
hyponym 101331345 - Bunyaviridae
hyponym 101332347 - Togaviridae
hyponym 101332653 - Flaviviridae
hyponym 101333082 - Arenaviridae
hyponym 101333301 - Rhabdoviridae
hyponym 101333610 - Reoviridae

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