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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100996969

Words: measure, measurement, measuring, mensuration

Gloss: the act or process of assigning numbers to phenomena according to a rule; "the measurements were carefully done"; "his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate"

hypernym 100407535 - activity
derivationally related 200647094 - measure, measure_out, mensurate
derivationally related 200681429 - appraise, assess, evaluate, measure, valuate, value
derivationally related 202704349 - measure
derivationally related 200489837 - measure, quantify
derivationally related 200647094 - measure, measure_out, mensurate
derivationally related 200647094 - measure, measure_out, mensurate
derivationally related 200647094 - measure, measure_out, mensurate
derivationally related 200489837 - measure, quantify
hyponym 100603995 - seismography
hyponym 100647270 - quantitative_analysis, quantitative_chemical_analysis
hyponym 100998037 - actinometry
hyponym 100998196 - algometry
hyponym 100998329 - anemography
hyponym 100998423 - anemometry
hyponym 100998514 - angulation
hyponym 100998604 - anthropometry
hyponym 100998768 - arterial_blood_gases
hyponym 100998982 - audiometry
hyponym 100999089 - bathymetry, plumbing
hyponym 101001814 - calorimetry
hyponym 101001923 - cephalometry
hyponym 101002008 - densitometry
hyponym 101002165 - dosimetry
hyponym 101002284 - fetometry, foetometry
hyponym 101002413 - gravimetry, hydrometry
hyponym 101002554 - hypsography, hypsometry
hyponym 101002677 - mental_measurement
hyponym 101002872 - micrometry
hyponym 101002956 - observation
hyponym 101003113 - pelvimetry
hyponym 101003272 - photometry
hyponym 101003570 - quantification
hyponym 101004377 - radioactive_dating
hyponym 101004582 - meter_reading, reading
hyponym 101004775 - sampling
hyponym 101004961 - sounding
hyponym 101005100 - sound_ranging
hyponym 101005284 - scaling
hyponym 101005473 - spirometry
hyponym 101005579 - surveying
hyponym 101116206 - telemetry
hyponym 101116360 - thermometry
hyponym 101116466 - thermogravimetry
hyponym 101116696 - tonometry
hyponym 101117318 - viscometry, viscosimetry

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