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SUMO Search Tool

This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100722479

Words: position

Gloss: (in team sports) the role assigned to an individual player; "what position does he play?"

hypernym 100722061 - role
domain topic 100523513 - athletics, sport
hyponym 100464037 - goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender, netkeeper
hyponym 100722984 - mound, pitcher
hyponym 100723241 - catcher
hyponym 100723547 - first, first_base
hyponym 100723783 - second, second_base
hyponym 100723984 - short, shortstop
hyponym 100724168 - third, third_base
hyponym 100724433 - left_field, leftfield
hyponym 100724684 - center_field, centerfield
hyponym 100724898 - right_field, rightfield
hyponym 100725383 - forward
hyponym 100725506 - center
hyponym 100725673 - guard
hyponym 100725775 - back
hyponym 100726100 - lineman
hyponym 100728218 - mid-off
hyponym 100728342 - mid-on
hyponym 100728464 - center
hyponym 106486405 - cleanup, cleanup_position, cleanup_spot

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