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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100658082

Words: intervention, treatment

Gloss: care provided to improve a situation (especially medical procedures or applications that are intended to relieve illness or injury)

hypernym 100654885 - aid, attention, care, tending
derivationally related 200078760 - care_for, treat
hyponym 100657604 - medical_aid, medical_care
hyponym 100659048 - massage
hyponym 100661847 - modality
hyponym 100699320 - detoxification
hyponym 100707967 - chiropractic
hyponym 100708168 - fomentation
hyponym 100708332 - naturopathy
hyponym 100708489 - naprapathy
hyponym 100708676 - orthodontic_treatment
hyponym 100708957 - orthoptics
hyponym 100709205 - osteopathy
hyponym 100709395 - osteoclasis
hyponym 100710155 - acupuncture, stylostixis
hyponym 100710338 - G-Jo, acupressure, shiatsu
hyponym 100710550 - autogenic_therapy, autogenic_training, autogenics
hyponym 100711127 - hydropathy, hydrotherapy
hyponym 100711413 - rest-cure
part meronym 104074482 - curative, cure, remedy, therapeutic

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