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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100657604

Words: medical_aid, medical_care

Gloss: professional treatment for illness or injury

hypernym 100658082 - intervention, treatment
part meronym 100153105 - medical_diagnosis
hyponym 100656033 - primary_care
hyponym 100656192 - aftercare
hyponym 100658627 - hospital_care, hospitalisation, hospitalization
hyponym 100661091 - therapy
hyponym 100664997 - nursing_care
hyponym 100695448 - irrigation
hyponym 100696882 - bandaging, binding, dressing
hyponym 100697024 - holistic_medicine
hyponym 100697249 - hospice
hyponym 100697365 - injection, shot
hyponym 100698004 - bloodletting
hyponym 100698959 - defibrillation
hyponym 100699146 - detoxification
hyponym 100709521 - disinfection
hyponym 100709843 - digitalisation, digitalization
hyponym 100710015 - anticoagulation
hyponym 100710692 - allopathy
hyponym 100710889 - homeopathy, homoeopathy
hyponym 100711265 - intensive_care

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