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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100635850

Words: examination, scrutiny

Gloss: the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)

hypernym 100633864 - investigating, investigation
derivationally related 110565502 - canvasser, scrutineer
derivationally related 202153387 - scrutinise, scrutinize, size_up, take_stock
derivationally related 200697062 - audit, inspect, scrutinise, scrutinize
derivationally related 202153387 - scrutinise, scrutinize, size_up, take_stock
derivationally related 200697062 - audit, inspect, scrutinise, scrutinize
derivationally related 202131279 - examine, see
hyponym 100141176 - audit
hyponym 100141396 - PM, autopsy, necropsy, post-mortem, post-mortem_examination, postmortem, postmortem_examination
hyponym 100142361 - checkup, health_check, medical, medical_checkup, medical_exam, medical_examination
hyponym 100142665 - comparing, comparison
hyponym 100143057 - fine-tooth_comb, fine-toothed_comb
hyponym 100143251 - follow-up, followup, reexamination, review
hyponym 100143536 - going-over
hyponym 100143626 - look-over, once-over
hyponym 100143763 - ophthalmoscopy
hyponym 100143885 - palpation, tactual_exploration
hyponym 100642045 - endoscopy
hyponym 100643389 - gonioscopy
hyponym 100643621 - keratoscopy
hyponym 100643772 - rhinoscopy
hyponym 100643943 - scan
hyponym 100644366 - search
hyponym 100644503 - study, survey
hyponym 100644702 - testing
hyponym 100645365 - motion_study, time-and-motion_study, time-motion_study, time_and_motion_study, time_study, work_study
hyponym 100879271 - inspection, review
hyponym 101265325 - bank_examination

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