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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100624738

Words: exercise, exercising, physical_exercise, physical_exertion, workout

Gloss: the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit; "the doctor recommended regular exercise"; "he did some exercising"; "the physical exertion required by his work kept him fit"

hypernym 100621627 - effort, elbow_grease, exertion, sweat, travail
derivationally related 200099721 - exercise, work_out
derivationally related 200100551 - exercise, work, work_out
derivationally related 200099721 - exercise, work_out
derivationally related 200099721 - exercise, work_out
derivationally related 200100551 - exercise, work, work_out
hyponym 100435563 - cardiopulmonary_exercise
hyponym 100435778 - gymnastic_exercise
hyponym 100437321 - kick_up
hyponym 100625699 - exercise_set, set
hyponym 100625993 - anaerobic_exercise, bodybuilding, muscle_building, musclebuilding
hyponym 100627437 - calisthenics, callisthenics
hyponym 100627849 - isometric_exercise, isometrics
hyponym 100628131 - isotonic_exercise
hyponym 100628539 - Kegel_exercises, pubococcygeus_exercises
hyponym 100628692 - stretch, stretching
hyponym 100629176 - arm_exercise
hyponym 100629803 - back_exercise
hyponym 100629911 - leg_exercise
hyponym 100630526 - neck_exercise
hyponym 100630634 - stomach_exercise, tummy_crunch
hyponym 100630960 - yoga

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