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This tool relates English terms to concepts from the SUMO ontology by means of mappings to WordNet synsets.

English Word: 
Noun Synset: 100306426

Words: journey, journeying

Gloss: the act of traveling from one place to another

hypernym 100295701 - travel, traveling, travelling
derivationally related 201845720 - journey, travel
derivationally related 201846916 - journey, travel
derivationally related 201845720 - journey, travel
part meronym 100306900 - leg, stage
hyponym 100307455 - commute
hyponym 100307631 - drive, ride
hyponym 100308073 - long_haul
hyponym 100308208 - mush
hyponym 100308279 - odyssey
hyponym 100308370 - trip
hyponym 100309115 - passage, transit
hyponym 100309647 - expedition
hyponym 100310201 - digression, excursion
hyponym 100310425 - schlep, shlep
hyponym 100310516 - trek
hyponym 100310666 - circuit, tour
hyponym 100311687 - pilgrim's_journey, pilgrimage
hyponym 100311809 - excursion, expedition, jaunt, junket, outing, pleasure_trip, sashay
hyponym 100312553 - voyage
hyponym 100312691 - way

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