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Gloss: (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter
hypernym 100104539 - throw
domain topic 100471613 - baseball, baseball_game
derivationally related 201509079 - deliver, pitch
hyponym 100107279 - balk
hyponym 100107400 - ball
hyponym 100107551 - beanball, beaner
hyponym 100107684 - change-of-pace, change-of-pace_ball, change-up, off-speed_pitch
hyponym 100107875 - bender, breaking_ball, curve, curve_ball
hyponym 100108081 - duster
hyponym 100108181 - bullet, fastball, heater, hummer, smoke
hyponym 100108427 - knuckleball, knuckler
hyponym 100108545 - overhand_pitch
hyponym 100108665 - passed_ball
hyponym 100108818 - screwball
hyponym 100108965 - sinker
hyponym 100109227 - spitball, spitter
hyponym 100109414 - strike
hyponym 100109771 - submarine_ball, submarine_pitch
hyponym 100109892 - wild_pitch
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